Hoeks Barbecues demo days

We would like to inform you about the demo days that we organize for entrepreneurs. During a pleasant day or evening of your choice, we will show our quality products in all shapes and sizes that you can try out yourself. This way you experience what a customer of yours experiences, but also what it is like to work with Hoeks Barbecues. You can try the many options with pleasure and while enjoying a drink. You must bring any specific types of meat or fish yourself.

Here's a quick rundown of what you can expect:
  • We burn our barbecues (both gas and charcoal)

  • You are the chef

  • You are your own customer so you can experience what your customer experiences

  • Playing with fire, herbs, fish and meat

Register quickly for an inspiring day or evening!

You can register using your name and address details, telephone and e-mail address via the contact form or a direct e-mail toinfo@hoeksbarbecues.nl. Please do not forget to mention the desired date. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Need a quotation?

Curious what we can do for you? Contact us and discuss the options in our BBQ showroom without obligation.

Contact us!

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